Sunday, May 29, 2011

holiday? arghhh booring!

ookay.. this holiday week is soo damn boring! i dont like it at all! i miss my freind.. i miss him.. his smile.. his laugh.. his watch.. aa! i miss you! shame on me.. haha this holiday.. i x pergi mane2 pon! i have to do house chores.. TIRED! my mom is the 'control queen' this time i'm lucky because my mum is hangout with my neighbour.. so, this is my chance! hehe..okay.. i want to see my facebook and twiiter.. bye!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

freedom!!! yeah!!!

finally!! exam is OVER! bahasa arab is damn hard! i dont like it!60% i hentam jer taw x? haha i feel like my head gonna to explode! :O that's why after i finished my paper than i go to surau for prayes.. huh.. tension! X(.. its okay cause tomorrow will BE THE CELEBRATION OF TEACHERS DAY!i hope he will be there too :3 i can bring my phone tomorrow! hehe snap2 with 2 u azizans and aqeela,juita and amyrah :) ouhh.. at last.. no papers to tension about! hoorayy!!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

now on.. i hate maths!

urgh.. maths is damn fucking hard! i can't answer 5 question.. and that is BAD. oh god.. i afraid i'll fail.. :(  please don't.. about 90% of my class cannot answer the paper.. i don't week it'll be sains,agama and arab.. oh shit! my head wants to blow out!!!

Thursday, May 19, 2011

maths! :D i love you the most!

yeay! tomorrow will be maths test. :D i like! maths is one of my favorite subjek! hehe.. study hard niena! today is the best day ever! because.. my ****l just passing through and look into my eyes! *melt I am really obsess or i love him? haha what to say.. i just in the mood of loove.. <333

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

geografi.. -..-

geografi.. the most boring subjek i ever learn... today is the exam of geo soo.. i have to study right? huh* i am a lazy i? haha what to do.. this is a student life, learn do exercise.. exam! haha it's always the same! but it different when you got a wonder full friends that color up your day!  i will miss all of it!

Monday, May 16, 2011

EXAM!!! :o

dup dap dup dap*
OMG! examination week is coming! oh lord! study!! wait2 haha me? study? hmm let me think.. haha of course!
i'll do my best for exam.. hey guyz! wish me the best! XD hmmm after the examination week it'll be holidays for two week! yahoo!! but unfortunately.. no friends n no *m** :( haha whatever niena ;)
 first day is Malay and History :O damn it! tension for god sake! haha.. bye guys! :D