Sunday, November 13, 2011

Greyson Chance Live At Malaysia!

first.. i'm absolutely sad because i missed the show! :'( 
ouh.. he's feat with Najwa Latif.. the one who sang Cinta Muka Buku..
i'm so envy with her!! i wish i was her!  he's cute at the concert.. :)

i'm still sad... X'(

Thursday, November 10, 2011

biodata Logan Lerman ♥


name : Logan Wade Lerman
born on : 19 January 1992
he's an American Actor 
he was born in Beverly Hills, Callifornia
he has 2 siblings.. Lindsey and Lucas he's the last one :)
he's a Jewish
began auditioning in late 1990's
first debut was The patriot.. playing as William Martin
he's a quite and not a big fan of sports and also dislike socializing through internet.. like facebooking or twittering..
the latest movie that he's playing the lead role, Charlie in The Perks of Being Wallflower

*i just can't stop liking his smile!!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

caution to all muslim!

This is an important information for all Muslims!
Be aware of the Red dot inside a red square symbol which shown on chocolate bars like : Bounty Chocolate bar / Mars/ sneakers ... it's shown specifically at the back beside the weight numbers.

That mark means that these products contains gelatin which is derived from PORK!!

They put that mark to warn vegetarian people that the chocolate bar have non-vegetarian contents/ingredients in it.

PLZ share this info with all your friends

and remember that "The One Who Guides Others to Good Deeds is Like the One Who Does Them"