Sunday, March 13, 2011

birthday party sabrina :)

an awesome day at subang alam.. sabrina and idris's birthday party..
we have soo much time spend together.. gossip sana.. gossip sini.. hehe best kot!
sabrina's birthday cake is delicious!  

this is the picture that we captured together this evening..

the girl who wearing glasses is dayana.. the one who wearing black tudung and brown jacket is yus rina roslee hehe.. the girl who wearing grey scarf is masni amaliaaaa the annoying girl which wear red tudung is aisyah.. (don't mad at me ok? XD) the one who dressed in greenn is iffah :) his little brother is damn cutee!!
the boy who wears ben 10 shirt is darwishhh yusrina little brother.. 

sooo.. that's all i'm gonna share today.. haha enjoy!

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